FonkLiebje, Rogier en Patricia together are Bureau Fonk, strategic change consultancy. They belong to the lucky few that truly combine personal interests and core values with the way they approach their work. For example by having their meetings when going for a stroll, incorporating their passion for food in their meetings with clients (by even cooking the food they serve themselves!) or mixing theatre into sessions with management teams. Bureau Fonk works with many different partners: “from lean Business  Intelligence to arty stuff, we combine it to make a perfect fit for our clients”.

They are dedicated teachers as well, they educate high-potential business administration students. Their clientele is very diverse, one of them being TU Delft. Therefore they are very excited that their know-how also found a way to TEDxDelft in providing one of the workshops. And so are we. So what will Bureau Fonk bring TEDxDelft? Read more

quadcopter (2)

Man machine interaction is going to change in the next few years. Joep Piscaer and Michael Breit are going to take you on an evolutionary path through the development of man machine interaction using their quadrocopter as an example. In the meantime beware of the quadrocopters taking off on autonomous flights.

From touch to touchless and Leap Motion control. The focus of their workshop is going to be on the integration of the Leap Motion controller with the quadrocopter. Joep and Michael know what they are talking about: they have built their own quadrocopter using an off the shelf kit and connected it to a Leap Motion controller. This makes it possible to direct the quadrocopter using simple hand movements. Consider yourself to be an industrial designer, gadgetfreak or game designers? Make use of this unique opportunity to have programmers translate your tips into adjustments to the quadrocopter’s controls at the spot.

Try a hand at flying a quadrocopter yourself but keep in mind the intelligence of these machines is rapidly increasing. Can you keep up and stay in control?



Take a big leap out of your comfort zone. The VIPbus workshop is going to work together with movisie to give you the opportunity to jump. Food for the future is healthy and sustainable. However some of these healthy and sustainable concepts can be very challenging to implement simply because we are not familiar with them.

TEDxDelft is a source of innovation and a meeting place for pioneers. ‘Het spoor van vernieuwing’ is on the lookout for like-minded individuals that are willing to form the basis of a society that is prosperous and blossoms from the inside out. And this is not only talk, they will make sure you won’t just sit down and listen but do something with your dreams.

Not only will you yourself be a few steps closer to realizing your own dreams, you can also contribute to a more beautiful, more sustainable and smarter society. The VIPbus facilitates innovative interaction between society and government.

People with a dream that want to make the step to actually do something with it, are invited to tin can their dreams with a daring expiry date.

lisanne verdraaidgoedVerdraaidGoed! (‘darn good!’) fits this years’ TEDxDelft ‘Do Try This At Home’ theme perfectly. Their goal is to show the attendees what a wonderful products you can make by using materials that some people call waste.

VerdraaidGoed! is a young design agency that designs, manufactures and sells sustainable products and is established in 2011 by Lisanne Addink-Dölle. For raw materials they make use of residuals as much as possible, so waste is immediately reduced. Their products are made in the Netherlands by people with disabilities or without work(experience). You might know them from Foodiebag.

At TEDxDelft, they will construct a ‘home’ where there will be several products of VerdraaidGoed! at display, such as the Kandelamp and PosTTafels.

Experience how to look differently at waste, to see that affordable quality products don’t have to come from far and there is no new raw materials needed to make them. You might even get inspired to dive into the litter bin once you get home!

poster_LRIf you’ve been following the blog over the past few weeks, you know we’ve been announcing all of the speakers for TEDxDelft 2013. Here’s our full line-up. You can also get the full line-up as well as schedules and more on the mobile version of the site:

Sipke Jan Bousema

Rutger de Graaf
Anne Walraven
Ben Bronsema
Matthew Rogers
Carin Boersma
Damaris Matthijsen
Japie Stoppelenburg
John Cohn
Jamal Mechbal
Maarten Frens
Gerwin Smit
Marije Nie
Scott Cunningham

Boylan Slat
Tim Ziman

Krasha Musica
Maartje en Kine

maartje en kine 1maartje en kine The winners of TEDxDelft Salon ‘Maartje & Kine’ will be taking the floor at TEDxDelft October 4th.

Maartje & Kine, an energetic, young and ambitious musical duo, will perform one of their distinctive, pure, down to earth songs. Songs that are surprisingly funny with the spot on remarks combined with wide-ranging musical talent.

Maartje de Boer en Kine Handlykken call themselves ‘sweet and villain, funny and sharp, energetic and intensive, all at the same time’. A Dutch – Norwegian musical liaison founded in the hallways of the Music School. There is almost no topic to think of that Maartje & Kine do not approach in their vivid and catchy manner, with one or more instruments of their very broad range of musical instruments. A violin, accordion, ukelele, basbalalaika, piano, auto-harp, melodica, mouth-organ, carillon and kazoo are all part of the repertoire.


TramCarBuild6Despite the beautiful weather, a number of dedicated people spent their entire day inside a window-less workshop, working hard to build tram cars for the upcoming race next week, during the TEDxDelft event. Four teams will participate, competing on making the fastest tram car.

Rolf Hut who came up with the idea was, besides building his own tram car, helping the teams and was making sure safety was considered. Rob Speekenbrink, founder of TEDxDelft, was also paying a visit to the construction site: “Since the tram tracks are not going to be used for traffic for quite a while, why not put them to good use?”

The trams cars must be driven with a gear which is already in place on the base. Other than that, the options are more or less limit-less, and the strategies of the teams do indeed vary. One team has chosen a straight forward hand-driven solution using a big wooden wheel, while another went all in and bought a second hand motorcycle. The coordinator, Alwin Snel, is himself part of a team, hoping that using a bicycle will do the trick. Last but not least, Rolf is planning to use massive truck batteries and a start-motor from a car. Which one would you bet on?TramCarBuild20

In order to accomplish the task, BetaFactory, an initiative from De Haagse Hogeschool and Kennisalliantie Zuid Holland, has been kind enough to offer space and tools. Gamma in Delft helped out by donating parts, and HTM made everything possible by providing the bases.

If you are curious, make sure to come to the University campus, Friday Oct. 4, in front of the Aula. There will be two races at the day of the TEDxDelft event, the semi-final starting at 10:00 am and the final during the lunch break. See you there!



MOVISIE is the Netherlands centre for social development. The centre promotes the participation and independence of citizens. It supports and advises professional organizations, volunteer organizations and government institutions in the field of welfare, care and social development. 

Maurits, what do Movisie and TEDxDelft do together?

Movisie is partner of TEDxDelft because we truly believe in the concept of TEDxDelft of sharing innovative ideas and inspiration. Especially this year’s theme, Do try this at home, is something we support strongly. The Netherlands has shifted from being a welfare state to a participatory society. You have to do it yourself with the network of people around you. Do try this at home shows examples and initiatives to change and inspire other people, and our society. I work together with the curators Anouk and Christine and my communications colleague Carolien. I’m the editor of On this page, we write blogs and present information about the speakers. Also social professionals and our great ambassadors  tell why they like to come to TEDxDelft. Hopefully it will seduce the social sector to come to the technical city of Delft on 4 October. Read more

renateCan you tell us something about yourself?

I am Renate Klaassen  an Educational Advisor at the Centre of Expertise on Education at Delft University of Technology.  The best aspects part  of this work is to find new and innovative ways of working and to create a learning space in the minds of the people involved, such that they can benefit from the changes we jointly discover.  Empathic listening, and story telling are two of the tools i frequently use in my work. But also as a mom of three beautiful daughters and a lovely husband that keep me of the street the rest of the week ;-)). Read more

Well not Tim Zaman himself, but his 3D printer. Zaman will be interviewed during TEDxDelft 2013 to talk about using 3D printers to recreate art.

Zaman, 25, is pursuing a PhD in photothermal tomography at TU Delft. He’s no stranger to the TEDxDelft stage, haven spoken during the very first TEDxDelft event. During that event, he attached a camera to a helium-filled balloon and released it. During his talk, he showed footage from the camera.

As part of his PhD research Zaman worked on a project to recreate Dutch masters paintings using a 3D printer. The scanners in the printers can help clarify what the paintings looked like before they were damaged by time. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is using similar technology to reproduce, among other works, Sunflowers. Zaman helped to reproduce a Van Gogh as well as two Rembrandts. Read more

Can you tell us something about yourself?
My name is Marike Weltje-Poldervaart. I am an educational advisor at the Centre for Expertise in Education OC Focus at the TU Delft.
Being a cultural anthropologist, the university is a great place to work: interesting “study” surroundings in more that one sense of the word!

What’s your job at TEDxDelft?
I am a performer coach for TedX Delft 2013.

What’s your favorite TED(x)talk?
There are many inspiring TedX talks. Since education is my passion, I very much agree with the talk by Ken Robinson about how schools kill creativity.
Another talk I find inspiring is the one by Angela Lee Duckworth about the key to succes: Grit!
And one of my favourites is the talk by Arthur Benjamin: teach statistics before calculus. Read more

Have you ever dreamt of making your own tram car? Perhaps not, but now you can, by signing up to the TEDxDelft tram car race!

As part of the TEDxDelft event on the 4th of October there will be a tram car race making use of the the newly built tram tracks through the University campus. HTM has provided bases for the tram cars which are already in place in front of the Aula at the University campus. The tram cars will be built on Saturday, Sept. 28, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Betafactory, Abtswoudseweg 18, Delft. Tools and machines are available for use. Read more

Can you tell us something about yourself?
I’m just a guy working at the Museum Het Prinsenhof in Delft. I’m not the creative mastermind there, but try and give other people the opportunity to excel and make presentations that will mean something to the people visiting the museum.

What’s your job at TEDxDelft?
I got involved with TEDxDelft in 2011, when I was asked to keep an eye at the TEDx finances. I’ve been doing that ever since as treasurer of the board.

What’s your favorite TED(x)talk?
Difficult to say. I’ve seen quite a few memorable ones during our first two editions in Delft. I’ll pick a few from those events.

In 2011, we had three young performers who really stood out and surprised everyone with their unique way of looking at the world and doing something about it: Tim Zaman Bauke Steenhuizen Rolf Hut showing their own take at the world, for three different reasons, but also showing the audience that sharing those perspectives and motivations could inspire in and of itself. I won’t be following their examples and start building rockets, write poetry or redesign sensory equipment, but I sure was inspired set goals and achieve them! Read more

Dreamups Team

When we think of “hacking” the first thing that pops to mind is the illegal activity performed by computer experts. But the newest form of hacking is not done by expert computer users or digital criminals, but everyday people!
During the “Hack your home” workshop hosted by TEDxDelft on 4 October, Chris Monaghan (COO at Metabolic, a sustainable development agency) and Tudor Tarlev (team member at Dreamups, an organisation that stands for the accessibility of all of the world’s open and -source impact technologies) are offering the opportunity to make everyday people artists. How? By simply taking the resources at hand and turning them on their head… Anyone can practice design! Read more

cultural salon2Written bij Janneke Hermans.

“This feels like New York.” That is one of the first things I heard when I entered the former workshop building at Lijm & Cultuur where the TEDxDelft Salon Art, Chaos and Progress was being held. The old industrial building was filling up with people who, not knowing the entire line-up of the evening, seemed curious about what this TEDxDelft evening had in store for them. A certain level of excitement and the roughness of the location indeed made it feel like we were at a place where something ‘special’ was going to happen. A place like New York? Read more

At TEDxDelft 2012, Boyan Slat captivated the audience with his idea for cleaning up marine litter. In a nutshell, he proposed to remove plastic from the oceans with the help of floating booms that run on natural energy. A green solution in more ways than one: no fossil fuels needed, no by-catch, and with clean […]

ToineWhat’s your job at TEDxDelft?
As a passionate performer coach I am lucky to work in the stimulating academic setting of Delft University of Technology. Since the first TEDxDelft in 2011, I have been a member of the TEDxDelft team, responsible for performer coaching. With a dedicated team of coaches we will support TEDxDelft performers to prepare a captivating and convincing presentation. Story telling and theatre techniques, stage direction and English language feedback will enable performers to deliver a performance they will never forget. Read more

Martijn Wackers foto

 What is your role at TEDxDelft? 

I am a performer coach. With the team of performer coaches, we help the performers in shaping their story and to give the performance of their lives on stage.

Why did you get involved with the organization?

Since 2009, I have worked as a communicative skills lecturer at TU Delft’s Centre for Languages and Academic Skills, teaching presentation, debating and writing skills to (PhD) students of almost all the faculties. My colleague Caryn ‘t Hart de Wijkerslooth got involved in organizing TEDxDelft and asked me and some of my colleagues to be part of the performer coaching team. As a communications lecturer and researcher into rhetoric, one of my professional passions is to help presenters build and polish their story and performance. So, my decision to join the performer coach team was swiftly made!

How long have you been a part of the TEDxDelft team?

TEDxDelft 2015 will be my second event in the team.

If you could choose one person to give a talk at TEDxDelft, who would it be and why?

I would be very curious to see Guy Garvey, lead singer of the British band Elbow, on the TEDxDelft stage. I have seen Elbow live a few times, and it always struck me that Garvey is a wonderful and charming storyteller – both in the song lyrics and as a host of their show. I think he would be able to give a compelling and inspiring talk about the craftsmanship of songwriting.

What’s your nerdy little secret?

To relax, I sometimes like to pour myself a glass of whisky and indulge in a British detective series in which a typical duo of investigators has to solve a murder in some rural village.


Caryn t Hart Headshot
 What is your role at TEDxDelft?
I’m one of the three curators. The word curator comes from the Latin curare meaning “take care”. So, we take care of the program, basically. I look for possible speakers and performers to be on the TEDxDelft stage. I search , interview, invite speakers and performers for the lineup, keeping in mind the balance in the program. Together with Rob Speekenbrink and Jeroen van Erp I will hopefully construct and design a wonderful program with good speakers for the next TedXDelft.
Why did you get involved with the organization?
Because I am a story geek. I love reading stories, hearing stories, writing stories, referring to stories, discovering stories and helping people build up their story. In short: stories make me tick. I’m convinced that people are shaped by stories and – at the same time – shape stories. Stories might be the most important things we have. So, when I discovered TED years ago I immediately thought that I was so awesome. Then I discovered that there were TEDx-events in the Netherlands as well. I knew I wanted to contribute straightaway.
How long have you been a part of the TEDxDelft team? 
Since January 2013.
If you could choose one person to give a talk at TEDxDelft, who would it be and why?
Annie MG Schmidt. Definitely. It would be awesome to hear her speak about her power to be an original, how to find your spark.
What’s your nerdy little secret? 
“ Although I stick to my vegetarian –mostly even vegan- diet, I love a klup burger from time to time at Café van Engelen in Leiden. “

cinema tedxdelftThe first edition of a series TEDxDelftCinema evenings in Filmhuis Lumen was a  big success. In front of a diverse group of movie-lovers,  TEDfans, friends and family, Pieter Guldemond shared in a very moving way personal stories, talked about his family, his life, his personal beliefs and how he deals with being in the spotlights while also maintaining a (busy) social life.

Filmhuis Lumen has a special place in his heart as it is a place where he can truly and completely relax. Once the lights go off he forgets about everything for a while, those are rare moments in his hectic life.

He showed a talk by Bjarke Ingels. The contrast in this talk was interesting. Crazy inspiring creative ideas on the one hand, while presenting on the other hand also a megalomanic idea in Baku.

Read more

KuiperIn this instalment of the “People behind Tedx Delft” series, we meet Christine Kuiper. She is one of the curators, which means that she is responsible for finding speakers who will “entertain, inspire and challenge” the audience to try great ideas at home.

Christine is working for MOVISIE, the Dutch centre for social support (read more about the liaison MOVISIE en TEDxDelft). There, she helps to promote citizen participation and independence by advising and supporting professional organizations, volunteer organizations and governmental institutions. She focuses specifically on the areas of social innovation and tries to answer these questions: “How can development and implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations?” Read more

Best-known for his work as a presenter, Sipke Jan Bousema (@SipkeJanBousema) is a man of many talents. Over the years, he has starred in film and television shows, worked as a voice-over and voice actor, developed his own television formats, directed and produced television and theatre productions, and much more. From crime reconstruction show ‘Opsporing […]

popuplibraryBring your books to TEDxDelft and put them in our pop-up library. A pop-up library (or public bookcase) is one or more cabinets which may be freely and anonymously used for the exchange and storage of books without the formalities associated with libraries. When in public places these cabinets are of a robust and weatherproof design which are available at all times. However, cabinets installed in public or commercial buildings may be simple, unmodified book-shelves and may only be available during certain periods.
So: bring one of your favorite books, write something personal in it and put it in our library. Then, of course, take another one out and take it home.

PieterGuldemondDe weken naar TEDxDelft 2013 – Do try this at home –  tikken af…gelukkig hebben we de komende tijd veel leuke events op de rol staan voor iedereen om warm te lopen voor de grote dag. Woensdag 18 September 2013 maakt TEDxDelft Cinema een veelzijdige start met Pieter Guldemond in Filmhuis Lumen. Deze avond vertelt hij over zijn favoriete TED(x) momenten, films en talks en wat er nog meer ter tafel kom. Hij heeft genoeg om over te vertellen met de reizen naar verre bestemmingen die hij maakte, bezoeken aan bijna omvallende banken en een respectabel organisatie repertoire.  Ook zal de door hem gekozen speelfilm getoond worden. Dus ga er maar voor zitten, buiten is het toch herfstig. Lekker met een warme kop thee (of iets anders want in Lumen genoeg lekkernij) krijg je een goed gevulde avond waarin je verrast wordt, geniet en misschien zelfs wel iets opsteekt.


Biking around campus may not seem like the most appropriate setting for an epiphany. But, one of the most exciting ideas for this year’s TEDxDelft, was born out of precisely that mundane activity.

Former TEDxDelft speaker Rolf Hut was biking around campus with a colleague when the idea of the Tram Car Race struck him. “I looked at the tram tracks lying there unused and it occurred to me that we could host a race there instead,” says Hut. For the race, participating teams have to design their own tram cables and will be given stripped tram bogies to work with. Having been involved with TEDxDelft over the past few years, last year  the self-proclaimed MacGyver scientist organized the Scrap Heap challenge. Participants were asked to design fire boats with scrap material. Read more

After concluding the ninth lustrum and a year full of great projects – among others the opera of Carmen, the St John Passion and a tour to Paris – the orchestra and choir of music students in Delft, Krashna Musika, starts this fall with an English programme, which contains the 2nd symphony of the British componist Egon Wellesz and the Magnificat from John Rutter.

John Rutter, born in 1945, is a British composer, conductor, editor, arranger and producer. In 2002, Rutter’s setting of Psalm 150 was commissioned for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and was performed at the Jubilee thanksgiving service in St Paul’s Cathedral, London. He also was commissioned to write a new anthem, This is the day which the Lord hath made, for the Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton in 2011, performed at Westminster Abbey during the service. Read more

e965a78b8370ae6e117838733294669aScott Cunningham jokes that “Big Data” might be his fault. He began his career at telephone service provider AT&T, where he focused on using data to improve customer experiences. Now he wants to use data to predict the future.

Born and raised in Georgia to English parents, Cunningham’s accent reflects his mixed roots. He completed his PhD in England and now lives in Delft with his French wife. His global background has influenced his career, as part of his research now focuses on the creation of social connections.

His most recent publication, Tech Mining, focuses on the prediction of new technologies and that is also the topic of his talk for TEDxDelft. Unsurprisingly, his favorite TED talk also focuses on prediction, A prediction for the future of Iran given by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita.

Alwin Snel

Can you tell us something about yourself?
I’m junior Communication Advisor at Roos & van de Werk, board member at youth organization JouwDelft and entrepreneur in the field of events, communication and (non-profit) funding at Jong(net)werkt. 21 years young and proud citizen of the city of Delft. When I was seventeen I discovered my talent for visualization and realization of ideas into projects and organizations. Inspiring and leading groups of youngsters to develop their talent and insight became my passion and specialty. Successful projects like summer proms, jazz stages and a European congress gave me the insight how to effectively communicate to your target group, from clients to colleagues to stakeholders. These projects became yearly and developed into organizations, so continuity needed to be ensured by excellent branding and good positioning. As a board member at three non-profits I coordinated the positioning of the organization, organized projects and developed services to attract and bind stakeholders. With my own ‘company’ I used all the experience to advise local entrepreneurs and non-profits on and connect with youngsters. Read more


Photo from PhD thesis


Whoever said that “it’s not easy being green”, must have known what he or she was talking about. Of course, science has made some remarkable progress over the last decade when it comes to clean energy, but how many of those developed clean energy models have actually been integrated within the architecture of our homes and offices? (Power sockets excluded.)

We can hear you think, that stationing a big eco-friendly power plant on your rooftop would perhaps be a little too much, but somewhere in the nearby future you could consider to let nature take over the office building you work in! Read more

Anne WalravenIt is often said to ask the young because they know everything.

However Anne Walraven is only 27 years old and on a personal quest based on a question.

How?  How is it possible that in 50 years’ time the Maldives will not exist anymore. Just simply disappearing under water.  Gone. When this notion hit, Anne cried for 3 days and found herself confronted by 3 options.

1) get cynical and detach from the world

2) go to the Maldives on holiday, eat, drink and jump around while you still can without scuba gear

3) separate right from wrong, become an activist on hunger strike and chain herself to government buildings

Naturally she choose option 4. Read more

“I love a good challenge,” says Molly Quell, the PR and Communications Coordinator for TEDxDelft. A Social Media Consultant and the International Editor of TU Delft’s student magazine, TU Delta, Quell has lived in Delft for 3 years. Her decision to sign up with the event was largely motivated by the idea of taking on a new challenge. “Besides the core team of volunteers – all of whom have different specialisations and cultural backgrounds –I have met hundreds of TU Delft students from different countries. It’s a great platform for acculturation and I’m really enjoying it,” says Quell.

A keen follower of the TED talks, Quell liked the idea of getting a glimpse at how things work on the other side of the stage. “It’s been great! The logistics that go into such an event are unimaginable and the planning has been on for months now.” Read more

brendaTEDxDelft volunteer: Brenda Hooiveld

With hundreds of volunteers on board, one position that TEDxDelft needed to fill with just the right candidate was that of the Volunteer Coordinator.

Luckily, an excellent ‘people person’ was just at hand: Brenda Hooiveld, who has been with TU Delft for 5 years and works in Communications for the Education and Student Affairs department. She took on the daunting task without hesitation.

“They needed someone who could work with people from all across the board and I like working with people, so I thought why not?” says Brenda. Having worked as a volunteer with TEDxDelft in previous editions, she had some idea what to expect. “I really enjoy getting other people equally enthusiastic about the event. It’s a really great concept and I love creating a sense of exciting around it.”

Of special interest to Hooiveld is the topic for this year: Do Try This At Home. “I am a practical person, so I really enjoy learning about things I can try myself. The talks are about more than technology and encourage you to broaden your mind in a fun way. I have always been really inspired by TED talks and I am sure I will find these inspiring too.” Read more

ANS_03712TEDxDelft speaker: Carin Boersma

Binaries limit progress and create boundaries where there should be exchange. For Carin Boersma, Program Officer at Oxfam Novib, understanding this is the key to moving forward.

Oxfam Novib is a Dutch developmental organization that works across 94 countries to create a world without poverty. Unlike other organizations, Novib’s strength lies in exchanging ideas and working with local partners in target nations.

Boersma, who has spearheaded the Novib project for the past six years, believes mutual exchange is the key to the future. In her talk at TEDxDelft, she will take a look at the prevalent local attitude towards developing nations and challenge the current model of top down information and economic exchange. Read more

2013-09-05 15.32.09In 2012, we had our TEDxDelft letters on stage. We thought they were really big but it turned out to be just the right size for our (also very big) stage. After a year of travel to several places in the neighborhood of the venue and lending them out to two other TEDx events (always a pleasure to work together with fellow organizers) the letters needed some positive attention. Read more

Gerwin Smit was born in Drachten, The Netherlands, and studied Biomechanical Engineering at Twente University. He was very disappointed when he learned that many people who have lost a hand or arm do not wear prostheses. Most of them claim they’re uncomfortable or too heavy. This motivated Gerwin to continue his research at Delft University of Technology. There, he had some major discoveries, allowing him to invent the lightest hand prosthesis ever. He is now a Postdoc in Delft.

Current prostheses are far from perfect. They are too heavy, too hot, and do not provide sufficient sensory input. But Gerwin Smit might have changed that. His prosthesis is now known as “The Delft Cylinder Hand”. Read more

Marije Nie, foto Nellie de BoerMarije Nie is a musician with her feet, a dancing percussionist. Her tap dance style is the perfect symbiosis between music and dance. The rhythm dictates the movement and the movement determines the sound. She feels at home in many different kinds of music: jazz, improvisated music, worldmusic, (contemporary) classic music, experimental electronica and dance. In 2007 she won the Jur Naessens Musiekprijs for innovation in music. With her skills for improvisation and her passion for experiments, she created her unique niche between composed and improvised music.

At TEDxDelft she will present her tap dance adventure, the film One Million Steps.
This film is about where the millions of steps we take in our lives take us. – Do we just automatically follow our path or are we open for new challenges and creative choices? Read more

ticketsIdeas worth spreading need to be spreadable. That’s the theme for this year’s TEDxDelft event, Do try this at home.

Do Try This At Home will feature the inspiring talks TED and TEDx are famous for but, the talks held this year will have a practical twist. Speakers will discuss concepts that can be implemented in everyday life, encouraging attendees to take these ideas home and add value of their own. TEDxDelft 2013 will feature talks on subjects ranging from how to survive a global catastrophe to how to predict new technologies and build cities on water.

Curious about 3D printers? Wonder what a didgeridoo sounds like? Want to dope your brain with electricity? We are fortunate to have access to cutting edge technologies that our speakers will demonstrate live. Our speakers range from singer/songwriters to one of TU Delft’s oldest PhD students. Buy your ticket now!

photoCan you tell us something about yourself?
My name is Eveline Vreede, I work for TU Delft as project manager of DIRECT (Delft Institute for Research on ICT). I am 33 years old and from The Hague. Let me see what else, I am grateful for what life has to offer, having great friends and I love my family to bits. In the recent years I kind of have turned into a true urban yogi. I love being outdoors, visiting museums, reading or doing other fun stuff. Guess I am a realistic idealist, combining dreams with everyday life.

What’s your job at TEDxDelft?
I coordinate the Bloggers and the Social Media Team.  Also this year we have  a bunch of social media fanatics and talented writers who together will make sure no one misses out on the things that happen before, around, at, and after TEDxDelft. Read more

It has been hinted that coming year John de  Mol will be producing a program called ‘Utopia’.

In this  program a group of people has to try to build a new society with only little means. The participants will receive some money to buy stuff, but merely have to try to make a living and make things work on their own.

We have news for John de Mol! Come visit TEDxDelft 4 October, because we have got his namesake, we are presenting to you: John Cohn.

John CohnJohn Cohn is not only a professor and IBM Fellow (which happens to be the most senior technical rank in IBM’s 200,000 person technical community) but is also a real trooper when it comes to survival of the fittest. In The Colony, a show that resembles John De Mol’s new show to a great extent, participants have to survive in a simulated post-apocalyptic environment. Read more

Ideas worth spreading need to be spreadable. And that’s what TEDxDelft did on Thursday night at the Multicultural Event held in TU Delft.

Over 900 new international students and nearly 100 volunteers, staff members and other visitors gathered at the Aula for the closing ceremony of the Introduction Program 2013. There were cultural performances, workshops and over 32 student societies and on-campus organizations set up stall to introduce themselves to the new batch of students. Organized by the Delft International Student Society (DISS) and the Central International Office, the event included cultural dances by Indian, Chinese and Greek students. Workshops on Latin dance, Aikido, Lindy Hop and other fun things.

We were there too and through the course of the evening we interacted with over 200 students interested in volunteering for TEDxDelft 2013. Early birds to our stall were happy to get their very own copy of the fabulous ‘Do Try This At Home’ poster. “It was really promising for all of us here to see the number of students interested in helping out. Everyone had different interest areas, in fact one of the students even asked if we needed anyone to design posters for us!” says Molly Quell, our Communications and PR manager.