TEDxDelftWomen 2015 | Made Possible By | Talbott International Presentations (TIP)

TEDxDelftWomen would not take place if it were not for the support of our outstanding sponsors. They share the spirit of TED’s mission of “ideas worth spreading”.
Talbott International Presentations is one of the sponsors for TEDxDelftWomen 2015. We’d like to introduce this organization to you, and thank them for their support and contribution. We asked Jonathan Talbott from Talbott International Presentations to share some insights:
1) What is the name of your company and what do you do?
Talbott International Presentations (TIP) helps people with the content, form and delivery of their most important presentations. Presentations are one of the most stressful things in business, often occurring at important transitional moments. I bring the stress under control, saving time, energy and money -as well as reputations.
2) What is the company’s mission/vision?
My goal with TIP is to make the world more interesting, one presentation at a time.
3) Why did you choose to sponsor TEDxDelftWomen?
I have close connections with TEDxDelft, having sponsored the coaching for -among other events- all the salons this year. TED talks present a wonderful challenge to the speakers and the coaches, and I was ripe to take on that challenge. I will have coached 9 of the speakers, as well as the host.
4) What do you see in common between your company and TEDxDelftWomen?
I am interested in making sure that if someone has an idea worth spreading, that it gets spread. Besides being interesting people themselves, the speakers at TEDxDelftWomen all have extraordinary ideas worth spreading. I am honored to be able to help them out.
Interested in being a sponsor of TEDxDelftWomen 2015?
We engage the local community by inviting people and companies to contribute whatever skills, goods or funds they are able to share. It is our belief that the TEDx concept is such an inspiration to so many people because its partners contribute whichever they are good at. If you feel you or your company can relate to TEDxDelftWomen don’t hesitate to contact us.