TEDxDelft 2015 Events | Women take the lead | TEDxDelftWomen

Dr. Paula Johnson. TEDWomen 2013, SF Jazz Center, San Francisco, CA, December 5, 2013. Photo: Kristoffer Heacox (image from TED.com)
In May 2015, Delft will host its very first TEDxDelftWomen event. Inspired by TEDWomen, this event will also explore the ‘power of women and girls to be creators and change-makers’ in their respective fields.
The idea for TEDxDelft Women struck Manuela Damant (an NLP master coach & trainer who runs her own Coaching & Training company) and Sarah Brown (a cyber security expert with Fox-IT who formerly worked with NATO) during the course of a Lean-In circle they organise in Delft. They approached TEDxDelft’s online media coordinator Molly Quell, who in turn applied for and was awarded the official license for TEDxDelftWomen.
“The event is open to anyone who is interested in the empowerment of women, the issues faced by them and supporting them within whatever framework they occupy. Our aim is to have women from across a broad spectrum share they stories of success and strife,” said Quell.
The event will be held on May 29. “There is a TEDWomen event from May 27-29 and all related events world-over have to be held 24-hours within that timeline.”
Currently the team is working out a theme for the event, the venue and the list of speakers. They are also looking for volunteers, so anyone interested can write to molly@tedxdelft.nl.
The event will be ticketed, but it will be held in English and is open to everyone.