TEDxDelft 2013 | Bureau Fonk – Truly connecting participants of TEDxDelft
Liebje, Rogier en Patricia together are Bureau Fonk, strategic change consultancy. They belong to the lucky few that truly combine personal interests and core values with the way they approach their work. For example by having their meetings when going for a stroll, incorporating their passion for food in their meetings with clients (by even cooking the food they serve themselves!) or mixing theatre into sessions with management teams. Bureau Fonk works with many different partners: “from lean Business Intelligence to arty stuff, we combine it to make a perfect fit for our clients”.
They are dedicated teachers as well, they educate high-potential business administration students. Their clientele is very diverse, one of them being TU Delft. Therefore they are very excited that their know-how also found a way to TEDxDelft in providing one of the workshops. And so are we. So what will Bureau Fonk bring TEDxDelft?
Their workshop will be all about connecting participants of TEDxDelft. Getting people into a moment of sincere contact, getting them to talk with each other, even providing them a joint experience….They do this together with Radio Kootwijk Live. How they do will this…well you should come and find out yourself tomorrow!
If they could share their idea worth spreading it would be their belief that you will find surprisingly good and new opportunities or solutions by combining disciplines and different viewpoints: “Sometimes it takes a poly-angular view to truly be insightful”.
They practice what they preach: always on the look for new insights and other points of view, and they let others experience what they learn from this too. Tomorrow, they will provide us with a TEDxQuest as well, to get the conversations started. Just see what those conversations might bring you…
Talking about their favourite TED(x)talk Liebje, Rogier en Patricia hope to get a glimpse of Boyan Slat this year. They loved his talk in last year’s TEDxDelft edition; “working out of your convincement that things should be different, that a solutions for a problem really exists, and with that convincement making the impossible possible”. They can’t wait to hear how his story continued.